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Faith With Flavor Episodes

Faith With Flavor reached a milestone in 2018 when we reached 153 episodes! Looking forward to many more to come in the years to follow and grateful for the opportunity
God has placed before me.
Faith With Flavor's Candid Confessions
reveals candid feelings of what is going on
in the world we live in today.
This episode features a conversation
about the real meaning of Christmas.
Fashion Designer, Johana Hernandez talks about her humble beginnings and how God
has guided her every step of the way!

"Izzy" from Flip or Flop joins me to talk about the show's success!

Cooking with Mami - A Mother's Day Special
Financial expert, George B. Thompson shares simple tips to becoming financially free and building wealth in the process.
TBN Salsa Package - Find out what people are saying about the new channel!
Overcoming Suicide
New Year's Resolutions and how to keep them!
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